Dr. Nelson Shen is a Project Scientist with the Digital Innovations Unit within the Centre for Complex Interventions at CAMH. He is also an Assistant Professor in the Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation (IHPME) at the University of Toronto.
Dr. Shen received his PhD in health services research at IHPME with a specialization in Health Informatics. He was a Canadian Institutes of Health Research Health System Impact Post-Doctoral Fellowship. His fellowship focused on understanding patient and family engagement in digital health initiatives at CAMH.
Areas of Research
Dr. Shen’s program of research is participatory and uses mixed methods to engage patients, families, clinicians and other stakeholders in the design of technologies, processes, policies, and strategies that support digital health and AI initiatives. His work also includes evaluation of digital health interventions and programs. Broadly, his research interests focus on digital health in the areas of patient engagement, privacy, trust, compassion, adoption theory, evaluation, implementation sciences, and design thinking.
One focal point in Dr. Shen’s research is patient privacy—an oft-cited adoption and implementation barrier in health informatics. In collaboration with Canada Health Infoway, He has been exploring patient and public privacy perspectives on the digital health ecosystem. Through this work, he hopes to identify compassionate ways healthcare organizations can foster trust and acceptance in an ever evolving and unregulated digital health and AI ecosystem.
A full list of Dr. Shen’s publications can be found at PubMed or Google Scholar.