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Dr. Sanjeev Sockalingam and Dr. Allison Crawford

ECHO spreading psychotherapy skills across Ontario

Primary care providers across the province are better able to build a psychotherapy-informed practice, thanks to CAMH’s newest ECHO.

About ECHO spreading psychotherapy skills across Ontario
A rally of people from different nations.

CAMH Library: 70th Anniversary of Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Research resources on the importance of mental health in a human rights context selected by CAMH Library for Human Rights Day 2018.

About CAMH Library: 70th Anniversary of Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Construction worker sitting on ground, confused and worried after layoffs.

CAMH Library: Job Loss Resources for Workers

Job loss and layoffs can negatively affect mental and physical wellbeing. CAMH Library has selected resource to help you cope as you rebuild.

About CAMH Library: Job Loss Resources for Workers
Therapy dog Abby

CAMH lets the dogs out

On December 6 there will be a special celebration to pay tribute to the therapy dogs of CAMH.

About CAMH lets the dogs out
Close up image of two adults wearing red ribbons for AIDS awareness.

CAMH Library: World AIDS Day 2018

CAMH Library shares research resources focussing on increasing HIV testing in Canada, in keeping with the 2018 World AIDS Day theme, "Know your status."

About CAMH Library: World AIDS Day 2018
Group therapy

New report highlights need for continuing care in Toronto

Inconsistent access to programming and funding challenges can leave people feeling a bit lost after completing more intensive treatment programs.

About New report highlights need for continuing care in Toronto
A group of adults mixing at a community meeting event.

CAMH Library: National Addictions Awareness Week

For National Addictions Awareness Week, CAMH Library shares relevant research resources to help dispel stereotypes and stigma around addictions.

About CAMH Library: National Addictions Awareness Week
Addictions panel - CAMH’s constituency council November 2018

CAMH experts tackle the issues around cannabis

CAMH experts gathered recently to discuss the changing landscape of cannabis at a panel before CAMH’s Constituency Council.

About CAMH experts tackle the issues around cannabis
Dr. Larissa Mooney

New approaches to the growing opioid crisis

Ahead of National Addictions Awareness Week, CAMH welcomed Dr. Larissa Mooney to present on the opioid epidemic gripping the U.S. and Canada.

About New approaches to the growing opioid crisis
Female clinician and teen girl meeting

Closing the gap between youth and adult care

For young people receiving mental health care, a gap in care opens when they turn 18 – they must leave youth mental health services, and search for adult services. CAMH scientist Dr. Kristin Cleverley is working to improve this crucial transition for young people and their families.

About Closing the gap between youth and adult care