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Evolution of a Physician Wellness, Engagement and Excellence Strategy: Lessons learnt in a mental health setting

Treena Wilkie, Tania Tajirian, Anupam Thakur, Smit Mistry, Faisal Islam, Vicky Stergiopoulos | BMJ Leader, November, 2022

About Evolution of a Physician Wellness, Engagement and Excellence Strategy: Lessons learnt in a mental health setting

A Qualitative Exploration of the Mental Health Challenges and Therapeutic Needs of Canadian Correctional Workers

Elnaz Moghimi, Yuliya Knyahnytska, Yiran Zhu, Anchan Kumar, Alexander Knyahnytski, Charmy Patel, Mohsen Omrani, Cory Gerritsen, Michael Martin, Alexander Ian Frederic Simpson, Nazanin Alavi | Frontiers in Psychiatry, October, 2022

About A Qualitative Exploration of the Mental Health Challenges and Therapeutic Needs of Canadian Correctional Workers

Coercion in Outpatients under Community Treatment Orders: A matched comparison study

Arash Nakhost, Frank Sirotich, Katherine Francombe Pridham, Vicky Stergiopoulos, Alexander Simpson | Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, April, 2018

About Coercion in Outpatients under Community Treatment Orders: A matched comparison study

Examining Psychologically Meaningful Risk Factors for Detected Sexual Offending in a Community Sample of Individuals With and Without Sexual Interest in Children

Skye Stephens, Ian McPhail, Ainslie Heasman, Cory Gerritsen | Journal of Sexual Aggression, April, 2023

About Examining Psychologically Meaningful Risk Factors for Detected Sexual Offending in a Community Sample of Individuals With and Without Sexual Interest in Children

Examining the Dimensions of Schizotypy from the Top Down: A hierarchical comparison of factor solutions

Cory Gerritsen, Michael Chmielewski, Konstantine Zakzanis, Michael Bagby | Personality Disorders, June, 2018

About Examining the Dimensions of Schizotypy from the Top Down: A hierarchical comparison of factor solutions

Assessment of Need for Inpatient Treatment for Mental Disorder Among Female Prisoners: A cross-sectional study of provincially detained women in Ontario

Roland Jones, Kiran Patel, Alexander Simpson | BMC Psychiatry, March, 2019

About Assessment of Need for Inpatient Treatment for Mental Disorder Among Female Prisoners: A cross-sectional study of provincially detained women in Ontario

Examining the Effect of Social Bonds on the Relationship Between ADHD and Past Arrests in a Representative Sample of Adults

Mark van der Maas, Nathan Kolla, Patricia Erickson, Christine Wickens, Robert Mann, Evelyn Vingilis | Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health, April, 2018

About Examining the Effect of Social Bonds on the Relationship Between ADHD and Past Arrests in a Representative Sample of Adults

Examining the Prevalence and Forms of Leveraged Treatment Pressure and Its Relationship to Personal Recovery: A Canadian cross-sectional study

Frank Sirotich, Samuel Law, Sandy Simspson, Arash Nakhost | Community Mental Health, April, 2023

About Examining the Prevalence and Forms of Leveraged Treatment Pressure and Its Relationship to Personal Recovery: A Canadian cross-sectional study

Advancing Integrated Care through Psychiatric Workforce Development: A systematic review of educational interventions to train psychiatrists in integrated care

Nadiya Sunderji, Allyson Ion, Dan Huynh, Paul Benassi, Abbas Ghavam-Rassoul, Adriana Carvalhal | Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, August, 2019

About Advancing Integrated Care through Psychiatric Workforce Development: A systematic review of educational interventions to train psychiatrists in integrated care

Excellence in Forensic Psychiatry Services: International survey of qualities and correlates

Patrick McLaughlin, Philip Brady, Felice Carabellese, Fulvio Carabellese, Lia Parente, Lisbeth Uhrskov Sorensen, Ingeborg Jeandarme, Petra Habets, Alexander Simpson, Mary Davoren, Harry G Kennedy | BJPsych Open, October, 2023

About Excellence in Forensic Psychiatry Services: International survey of qualities and correlates