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NAA/Glu Ratio Associated with Suicidal Ideation in Pilot Sample of Autistic Youth and Young Adults

I Moxon-Emre, PE Croarkin, ZJ Daskalakis, DM Blumberger, RE Lyon, H Tani, P Truong, MC Lai, P Desarkar, N Sailasuta, P Szatmari, SH Ameis | Brain Sciences, June, 2022

About NAA/Glu Ratio Associated with Suicidal Ideation in Pilot Sample of Autistic Youth and Young Adults

Neonatal Outcomes of Mothers with a Disability

HK Brown, S Chen, A Guttmann, SM Havercamp, SL Parish, JG Ray, SN Vigod, LA Tarasoff, Y Lunsky | Pediatrics, September, 2022

About Neonatal Outcomes of Mothers with a Disability

Barriers and Requirements for Effective Parenting Supports and Mental Healthcare Among Mothers with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: Health and social service-provider perspectives

HK Brown, A Tint, M Heifetz, M Abou Chacra, D Bluestein, SN Vigod, Y Lunsky | Research in Developmental Disabilities, July, 2022

About Barriers and Requirements for Effective Parenting Supports and Mental Healthcare Among Mothers with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: Health and social service-provider perspectives