Trainee Mentorship Program

The Trainee Mentorship Program is a year-long program offering 1-on-1 meetings and quarterly events for mentees to facilitate career development. The meetings and events provide trainees with the opportunity to receive professional advice, network and develop goals.

About the program

How does it work?

The mentorship program allows mentors and mentees to interact 1-on-1, up to once per month, to discuss goals, advice, professional development, networking and progress. The program offers formally organized events in career-planning, grant-writing, leadership, professional development, and work-life balance and wellness.

The program hosts various speakers to further educate mentees on research topics, provide networking opportunities and enhance professional portfolios. Program events cover topics such as equity, diversity and inclusion in research, grant-writing, research with Indigenous Peoples, research organization tips and tricks, and career-planning.

Why participate?

For mentors, the program offers the opportunity to strengthen mentorship and leadership skills, as well as their understanding of available training and resources, which can ultimately enable career growth. Mentors may also expand their professional network by participating in program meetings and events.

Mentees will receive valuable advice and support on how to work toward their research career and professional goals. Mentees will also benefit from increasing their expertise and confidence in research practices through various training sessions. Finally, mentees can expand their professional contacts through networking sessions, ultimately supporting their career growth.


"This program connected me with a mentor who I would have never had the courage to reach out to on my own. We had wonderful monthly chats which always gave me just a little sprinkle of confidence to step out of my comfort zone. I loved meeting with my mentor and having the peace of mind knowing he was always reachable and happy to meet."
- Isabella Chawrun

"I would like to thank you for this amazing opportunity. I've learned so much from different researchers and their experiences; this definitely contributed to my personal growth and will help me in my career. No less importantly, I felt safe and embraced by other trainees and by my mentor, and I was able to share things about my professional trajectory in science that I had never talked about before.
- Ana-Paula Silva

"My goal for this mentorship program as a final year PhD candidate was to get a better understanding of what could be next for me career-wise. I am thankful to have had a mentor that was thorough, honest, and very knowledgeable of the wide range of career opportunities in research and how to best navigate these next milestones."
- Julia Tomasi

Isabella Chawrun

Community of Interest

The Community of Interest includes an online platform for sharing resources, tools, milestones and accolades, as well as events on key topics in health research. Past events have welcomed internal and external speakers on topics such as sex and sex hormones in mental health; equity, diversity and inclusivity; Indigenous health; innovation and commercialization; healthcare ethics; patient and family engagement in research; grant proposal writing; career options outside academia; and reproducibility in research.


Our goal is to foster an environment where research trainees and the broader CAMH research community can openly share and disseminate knowledge, while supporting learner recruitment, retention, productivity and wellness. We aim to increase linkages with local, national and international learner groups, and help address barriers to success, foster connections through informal networking opportunities and build a sense of community and belonging, which may aid in retention of learners from underrepresented groups.

How does it work?
While targeted to research trainees, our Community of Interest is open to the entire CAMH community and encourages open discussion among those who share a common interest in research. The Community of Interest provides opportunities to share knowledge and resources to support peer review and navigation of educational and career transitions, and the exchange of ideas, networking and collaboration.


"Excellent, exemplary talk. The speaker was personable and responsive while also delivering useful, nuanced information that gave me new things to think about and practical steps to take. Well-moderated by the organizers. Thank you." - Community of interest attendees

Community of Interest attendees

Past and Present Trainee Spotlights